Academy Award Nominee ‘Django Unchained’: Film Review


Academy Award Nominee ‘Django Unchained’: Film Review

With beautiful scenery and split-second action, "Django Unchained" offers a setting that transports the audience into the Deep South during the pre-Ci

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With beautiful scenery and split-second action, “Django Unchained” offers a setting that transports the audience into the Deep South during the pre-Civil War era. Earn money while enjoying this movie by playing simple and interactive betting games at 먹튀.

Writer/ director Quentin Tarantino provided a brilliant study of the times and the flavor of the Old West mixed with the brutality of slavery.

The plot followed Django (Jamie Foxx), a slave, as he desperately made a bargain for his freedom.

Django agreed to exchange services with Dr. King Schultz (Christoph Waltz), a bounty hunter, in return for help in rescuing his wife Broomhilda (Kerry Washington), a slave.

Broomhilda was the property of Calvin Candie (Leonardo DiCaprio) the epitome of evil, a man who enjoyed watching “Mandingo fighting,” slaves fighting for their lives.

“Mandingo fighting” is reminiscent of the ancient Roman’s gathering in the arenas for the gladiator vs. the lions fights.

The film shows slavery in the raw, maybe exaggerated or perhaps the way it was.

Could Django trust Dr. King Schultz? Django didn’t have a choice.

Django was unchained, as in the name of the film, but not yet completely free.

It took time to prove himself to Schultz and only then could they work as a team to save Django’s wife.

The bounty hunter sequences took place in the bleakness of winter with scenes of stark snow capped mountains.

As a contrast, the bright sun and brilliant colors of spring led the two men in their mission to save Broomhilda.

A running joke throughout the film, Django continually explained how to pronounce his name. “Jango, the ‘d’ is silent.”

The film was an example of choosing the perfect cast for each role as well as the right scenery and music to compliment the story.

This spaghetti western stood out from all the others.

“Django Unchained” was nominated for the 85th Academy Awards (2013) best picture, original screenplay, best cinematography and best supporting actor for Christoph Waltz.

Writer/ director Quentin Tarantino won an Academy Award for Best Writing, Original Screenplay.